Highlights from 2 Years of FMR

Five Years Celebrating Poets

Highlights from 2 Years of FMR

Here we are at our second complete year! Hooray! We have received many wonderful compliments about the Frost Meadow Review and are thrilled to see our role in the community sprouting. After four volumes published, I want to thank all of you who have read our volumes!

Many of you have praised our unique publication format. For those of you who haven’t had a copy in your hands yet, we publish an Editor’s Award poem, followed by a small collection (10-20 poems) written by our Featured Poet. Then we publish an interview with the Featured Poet allowing them to expand upon their work and perspective. We finish the publication off with a collection of poems selected from the general submissions. General submissions are open to any and all poets. We do not charge a submission fee as we want poetry to remain accessible to all people, not just those who can afford to submit their work. One poem each season is selected from the submissions to win the Editor’s Choice Award which receives a $50.00 cash prize and is published online.

We use this format because we feel it is invaluable for writers to hear from other writers about the process of becoming a writer. Books like Bird by Bird by Ann Lamott and On Writing by Stephen King are so helpful that they are often assigned reading in creative writing classes. The Frost Meadow Review hopes to contribute a long history of writers talking about their craft. Each writer is unique and each process is unique but there are many ways we are similar and can learn from one another.

We hope you have enjoyed the past two years of the Frost Meadow Review as much as we have! Here’s to many more!